Sharing a space is not an easy thing to do, however It can be extremely beneficial. Not only for your flatmates but also for your wellbeing as an individual. In this post, we will provide 5 top tips on how you and your flatmates can maintain a spotless and well-maintained kitchen space. At home at halls we offer all our students the opportunity to win a prize as a team if you keep your kitchens in tip top shape, so don’t miss out!

 Tip 1.

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Yes, you have heard it before, but it is very true. Teamwork is the foundation you need when sharing a kitchen. If you have received our envelope pack you would have received, a kitchen schedule, here you have the opportunity to work as a team and decide amongst you who will do what. This could be taking the bins out, cleaning the microwave or wiping down the countertops. Make sure the roles are rotated weekly, or as often as you want so everyone has a chance of experiencing a job. You don’t want to let your flatmates down if you haven’t completed a task you agreed upon, try and make sufficient time out of your day to complete your kitchen task.

Tip 2.

Flatmate Agreement

Within your envelope packs you should have received a Flatmate agreement, what is that anyway? It’s an informal contract where you can all create a set of ‘rules’ together that can help maintain your space. Once you have agreed on all the ‘rules’ you can place it on a bulletin board or on the fridge. You all have the opportunity to write down kitchen rules here, so you are all aware. 

Tip 3.


Keeping a clean and tidy shared space is very important, therefore you want to make sure you have the right tools to keep your appliances super clean, dust free and spotless. Below is a mini list of things you may already have that can help maintain your shared space.

White vinegar and water:

  • Can be used for cleaning ovens and microwaves
  • Can remove hardwater deposits from glassware
  • Can remove grease from stovetops

Dish soap:

  • Can be used to mop when mixed with water
  • Can clean surfaces
  • Can be used to clean dishes, silverware and Tupperware

Antibacterial Wipes and sprays:

  • Kills bacteria on surfaces

Tip 4.


Clean up after yourself. Sounds basic but it’s true. Some of us may have had the luxury of dishes, silverware and glassware being cleaned after us however now that you live alone you are responsible to clean up after yourself. After eating or cooking make sure to simply wash your things and place them away. Don’t allow the opportunity for your items to build up in the sink – this may cause tension with you flatmates.

Tip 5.


If something hasn’t been completed in the kitchen or your flatmate isn’t pulled their weight– have a sit-down conversation and talk through it. Sometimes deadlines, stress or travel can cause a disruption to the schedule. Make sure to communicate if there is a change that will disrupt the flow. Make some tea, have some snacks and talk through it. Support each other where necessary, this will create a lovely and welcoming environment where you can all work in unison.

The Home at Halls blog is part of our Home at Halls content, designed to make sure you get the most out of living across our Broadgate Park residences.

It goes hand in hand with the Home at Halls app, which can be downloaded from your phone’s app store and accessed using the details you use on the Broadgate Park portal.

The app is a simple tool which can be used to log any maintenance issues you have, sign up to any events happening around site and give us vital feedback.

Broadgate Park

Broadgate Park is our primary residence, consisting of over forty blocks in beautiful leafy grounds.