
Managing your stay @ Broadgate Park

When do I get my deposit back?

Your deposit will be refunded to you, less any charges if applied, within 28 days after the end ofyour licence period provided you have updated your bank details on the Broadgate Park portal.If your contract is replaced mid-term, you will receive your deposit refund, less charges ifapplied, within 28 days of your contract takeover date or from when you provide us with yourbank details.

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Will my room be inspected at the end of my stay?

Yes, your residence manager will complete a full room check once you have departed from yourroom. After everyone in your flat has departed the communal areas will then also be checked.This inspection will check for cleaning and any damage, photographs will be taken of anycleaning required and/or damage that may be chargeable to you. You will be notified of anydeductions prior to your deposit being returned. If you have any queries regarding this process,you can contact with your residence managers at bgpresidencemanagers@upp-ltd.com.

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When do I have to leave my room?

You must leave your room and return your keys to the main Broadgate Park reception by 10amon the last day of your licence. Any delays in your departure could incur overstay charges. If youare unsure of your licence end date, please check with reception.

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What can I use the app for?

The Home@Halls app is important to help you stay informed and manage your stayeasily at Broadgate Park. You can use the app for the main functions Submit your room inventory Log a maintenance issue Sign up for events Stay up to date on the latest news at Broadgate Park Give Feedback

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Where are the nearest supermarkets?

Albion House and Broadgate Park are both located in the lively Nottingham suburb ofBeeston which has many large supermarkets. Tesco Extra NG9 2WJ – 0.4 miles from Albion, 0.8 miles from Broadgate Sainsburys NG9 2LA – 0.1miles from Albion, 0.4 miles from Broadgate Lidl NG9 2NG – 0.2 miles from Albion, 0.9 miles from Broadgate Co-op – 0.7 miles from Albion, 0.2 miles from Broadgate Cloister House is in Dunkirk with access to a large Sainsbury’s, a Tesco Express andSpar. Tesco Express NG7 1SA, 0.6 miles from Cloister House Sainsbury’s NG7 1GX, 1 mile from Cloister House Spar NG7 2RD, [...]

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How do I report a maintenance/noise issue?

The quickest way to report a maintenance issue is via the Home @ Halls app. You canalso report a noise issue via the app however if the issue is occurring during unsociablehours the best way to report this would be directly to Broadgate Park reception bycalling 0115 9518670.

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The Home at Halls blog is part of our Home at Halls content, designed to make sure you get the most out of living across our Broadgate Park residences.

It goes hand in hand with the Home at Halls app, which can be downloaded from your phone’s app store and accessed using the details you use on the Broadgate Park portal.

The app is a simple tool which can be used to log any maintenance issues you have, sign up to any events happening around site and give us vital feedback.

Broadgate Park

Broadgate Park is our primary residence, consisting of over forty blocks in beautiful leafy grounds.

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